Some of the worst decisions I have made were based on emotions, not on data, facts or pattern recognition. Conversely, my best decisions were made based on the latter. This is why I try to remove emotions from the decision-making process.
Better Decisions = More Growth
Not So Great Decisions = Not So Great Results
The bigger the decision, the bigger the potential impact of that decision on your life and the lives of others around you.
What to eat for breakfast? Small impact…
Hot or iced coffee? Small impact…
Moving houses? Big impact…
Switching kids’ school? Major impact…
Switching job/career? Major impact…
Positive data and facts lead to patterns that are productive, providing for growth and progress that align with your goals and vision. Conversely, negative data and facts typically result from patterns that can be seen as non-productive or that don’t align with your goals or vision.
Perspective and experience can play a major role in the finality of a decision. Therefore, bringing in someone that has a different perspective and relevant experience can be very productive and helpful when it is time for you to make a difficult decision.
In addition, the support of trusted advisors when making a decision can help you be decisive once you reach your conclusion. Having the ability to tap into a support network when making significant or major decisions cannot be overstated.
Analyze the intel. Get advice. Make a decision. GO!