DMS Insights

It Takes a Village

Written by Joe Marinucci | Jun 14, 2021 4:00:00 AM

This past week, I became more aware of the role of my personal support network.

I saw the real power that comes from having a small group of people that I trust… that I know I can connect with to share with is happening in my life… that I can trust to empathize with whatever I am going through… that I know will offer compassion and solid advice that I can trust to move myself forward.

My personal support network brings me power and certainty.

Support groups, composed of people who are experienced and whom you trust to share important things with, are critically important to us all in both business and in life.

I have a personal group of people whom I trust and consider to be my friends and personal support group. This is a group of people that I know very well, trust, respect and am connected to.

I am willing to be open to my personal support group. I am honest with them on what is happening in my life.

The Power That Comes From Having A Personal Support Network Has Been Critical To Me.

My personal support network has helped me deal with many issues that have come up in my life, and they have helped me make good decisions on how to move forward.

Having a great support network is something that has greatly benefitted me and many others.

To get power and certainty, the people in your support network must be people you truly trust. They must be good listeners who can empathize with you and your situation – no matter what comes your way.

In addition to empathy and compassion, a good personal support network provides sound advice to you and helps you figure out the most productive next steps. Support networks also help us vent and share what is going on in our lives so we don’t internalize our emotions or experiences.

Support networks should be capable of being empathetic and compassionate while, at the same time, providing firm and solid advice.

It’s important to note, however, that a personal support network should not be a group of people that agree with everything you say. In fact, it is helpful if your network is not afraid to disagree with you and provide stern advice when needed for course correction. 

A strong support network is a group you can count on being there for you at any time you need help or advice.

Having a strong support group that you trust and go to in times of need helps you make better decisions and live a more productive life. Support groups are like up-to-date navigation systems that point you in the right direction, help you make fewer wrong turns and get you to where you are going faster.

In addition to helping us make the right decisions, support groups help carry the load when our loads feel heavy, whether that means helping us complete a project, carpooling or being there to give a needed hug (even if virtual).

Of course, the concept of the support group or support network is not new. We all need support groups in our lives, and this has been true for centuries. But support groups – or villages – are needed today as much as ever.

We’re all in this together, and we’re better because of it.