DMS Insights

Protect Yourself First With Self Care

Written by Joe Marinucci | Nov 16, 2020 5:00:00 AM

Since March of 2020, I have frequently repeated the following to those around me:

Protect Yourself – Protect Your Family – Protect Your Business

As we all continue to operate during extraordinary times, I believe it is more important than ever that we all prioritize self care and self regulation.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I feel overwhelmed?
  • Do I have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep?
  • Am I feeling constant stress?
  • Am I highly irritable or easily triggered to become angry?
  • Do I sometimes feel lost or lacking purpose?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, it may be time to think about how to employ some better self care methods.

What does self care mean?

Self care means taking time for you, giving yourself space and connecting with what’s inside of you. Some people say the best way to self care is to connect with your inner child, other advice encourages trips to places that give us positive energy. 

How do you connect with your inner child?

To connect with your inner child, think about the things you did as a child that made you happy. Then take time off from work and go do those things.

Places hold energy

Sometimes, self care is about reconnecting to places that hold special positive energy for us. Consider getting in the car, going for a drive while listening to music that makes you happy, and visiting one of your special places.

Most importantly: don’t be shy about asking for help.

There is nothing more important than taking care of you. If you don’t take care of yourself, you cannot do anything for anyone else. Never lose sight of the fact that we all need self care. 

Self care doesn’t mean you’re broken or something is wrong with you. 

Prioritizing self care means you are smart enough to read your own gauges, and you know when they are giving you a warning sign. Prioritizing self care is smart, as self care practiced regularly can help you make the necessary adjustments to address an issue.

Take care of you, because you matter.