DMS Insights

Today’s Chalk Message

Written by Joe Marinucci | Apr 19, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Today is a blank slate. A sidewalk with no chalk.

With the days ahead, we get to do what we want. We decide what to do.

I have realized that I don’t have to wait to be inspired by what’s out there in the world. There are positive and exciting messages all around us. They can be spoken or acted out physically. Sometimes there are no words and instead just peaceful moments to be quiet and present.

There are messages all around us all the time, but we don’t have to wait for them to take action. Instead, we can harvest our own thoughts and energy, turn them into messages and start following them right now. Plus, while the messages of others can be intriguing, our own words will always be more powerful because they come from our thoughts and actions.

Watch your thoughts as they become words, then…

Words become actions

Actions become outcomes

Outcomes become destiny

It all starts with thoughts and words.

Today, I let my thoughts and words lead the way for me. I leave the chalk on the sidewalk. In doing this, I set my path, and maybe set the path for others at the same time. When you leave chalk on the sidewalk for others to read, you can…