DMS Insights

Coffee Beans & Thermostats

Written by Fernando Borghese | Jul 7, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Coffee Beans & Thermostats… What Do They Have In Common?

Both coffee beans and thermostats change their environments instead of being impacted by their environments.

  • Coffee beans transform boiling hot water into delicious coffee.
  • Thermostats measure and change the temperature in any room. 

Coffee beans and thermostats are in control.

Yesterday Was July 1st, A ‘Trifecta Day.’

First day, new month, new quarter. There are only four of these in a year, which makes it a very special day.

Trifecta days mark new starting points for us to each be creators and drivers of the change we want to see and experience.

Yesterday also marked half-time in the year. At half-time, we slow down for a moment to:

  • Take stock of where we are and where we are going
  • Analyze what is working and what is not
  • Adjust our approach to align with our values, goals and vision (VGV)

Awareness is important… the coffee bean can only make coffee in boiling water, and the thermostat always measures the temperature to determine if change is needed.

To be successful, coffee beans and thermostats have awareness and then they optimize their environments.

We are all leaders and teammates, and each of us can positively impact our environments and become “life optimizers.” When we optimize our routines, processes and habits, we can ensure they are working for us while shedding what isn’t working.

It’s always the right time to be a change driver and a creator, but Trifecta Day is symbolic and an especially good day for reflection.