When we start with positivity, we each control our days, the days don’t control us.
Because every morning I choose to be a creator, I start my day by asking myself:
What do I get to do today? And, how do I want to feel when I do it?
Importantly, I do not ask myself, what do I have to do today?
It is my choice, my privilege and my honor to take action throughout the day. I am the creator and the conqueror of the day ahead.
Be aware and intentional with your “self talk.”
Right now, as you’re reading this, sit back and take a deep breath, and ask yourself:
What do I get to do this weekend?
How did it feel?
Now, ask yourself:
What do I have to do this weekend?
How did that feel?
Which question gives you better energy and excitement for the days ahead?
Go back to that first question, and write down the top four things you get to do this weekend. As you’re writing, think about how you want to feel when you do them. Specific answers may come to you, or you may just get a feeling that “feels good” as you visualize getting to do things.
Find a daily practice that works best for you. For me, stating my intentions early is core to my early morning routine. My self-talk shapes my attitude and mindset, carrying into my energy and creativity.
Each Day Is A Privilege.
Each day, we are the match that sparks our fire. If we define our intentions with positivity, we’ll set ourselves up for days that are productive and feel great.
Have To >> Get To
It’s a small change in language that will encourage a mindset of growth and abundance. And, as with many small things in life, small changes lead to big results. It’s the compounding effect.