DMS Insights

We Create Our Story Each Day

Written by Fernando Borghese | Jun 11, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Perspective Is Important. 

We run quarterly races, but the last day of the quarter is not an end point. The last day of each quarter represents a checkpoint to demonstrate our progress and growth. 

Be Where Your Feet Are.

Every day, we wake up and we are where we are. Today is where everything happens for you. We are making our own successes happen each day.

Confidence, power and certainty builds from connections, alignment and collaborations, and it creates waves of momentum. These waves of momentum connect us all to the feelings of the collective energy of one another.

Especially as a remote workforce, it is the job of each of us to ensure our teammates are on the wave with us. 

Creating Strong Connections Is Of Utmost Importance For Growth.

Connections are built through face-to-face and voice-to-voice interactions. When we can see and/or hear each other, we strengthen our connections. Voice calls and video calls must be prioritized over Slack and email.

When we are connected, we help each other to stay aligned. We open up new collaborations, we share ideas, we give each other feedback, we listen to one another and we support one another.

Shared Stories And Shared Experiences Bond Us Together.

We create our story each day.