Medicare Advantage Marketing Must Differentiate With Ease Of Enrollment & Reassurance During AEP

Shutterstock_568221058 Medicare. Medicine concept / Paper sticker with inscription, stethoscope, pen on wooden table.

For health insurance marketers, it is critical to reach the right consumers with the right information at the right time while breaking through the influx of advertising during insurance enrollment periods. Understanding the AEP audience can result in more effective marketing messaging and targeting, resulting in greater advertising ROI.

Medicare Advantage Marketing Should Help Medicare Beneficiaries Understand Differentiating Factors, Including Coverage And Cost

Every September, every Medicare beneficiary receives an Annual Notice of Change (ANoC) letter informing them of any updates or adjustments to the plans they currently have. Once in hand, this letter generally serves as a guide for beneficiaries interested in making changes, either because of price, coverage or changes to prescription drug formularies. 

Within Medicare Advantage marketing and advertising, the differentiating factors of cost, coverage and location should be made obvious, as this is the information most shoppers will be looking for. Email is a great way to begin conversations with Medicare Advantage prospects early and often during AEP. Contact DMS to learn how you can scale your email database or leverage our email database to reach your target AEP audience.

Medicare Advantage Shoppers Want Ease Of Use & Enrollment

There are more than 3,834 Medicare Advantage plans nationwide, with the average beneficiary having access to about 33 different plans. This array of choices can be overwhelming for seniors to navigate.

Personalization and ease of enrollment, paired with targeted messaging that outlines cost, benefits and bundling options, can help Medicare Advantage brands stand out in the crowded AEP market. 

DMS connects with high-intent Medicare Advantage consumers at precisely the right times and places in their insurance buying journeys to encourage action. Contact DMS to learn more.

The Digital Advertising & Customer Acquisition Efforts Of Medicare Advantage Marketers Should Drive Engagement And Loyalty

Baby Boomers aging into Medicare this year will be looking for Medicare Advantage plans for the first time and are an important audience segment for health insurance brands. Offering consumers tip-to-tail guidance can create brand trust that leads to enrollments and loyalty.

Insurance brands able to differentiate themselves while reassuring beneficiaries shopping for Medicare Advantage during AEP have the opportunity to drive awareness, engagement, sales and loyalty.

Do You Need To Scale Your Medicare Advantage Marketing Efforts?

Digital Media Solutions (DMS) represents a comprehensive suite of products that connects AEP marketers with customers and near customers. Our technology-enabled, data-driven digital performance advertising solutions connect consumers and advertisers. By linking our first-party data asset and our proprietary tech stack with our expansive digital media reach, we are able to deploy insights and signals across digital channels to get the right message to the right person at the right place and time to boost advertising ROI for our advertiser clients.

About the author

Digital Media Solutions

Digital Media Solutions, Inc. (DMS) drives better business results by connecting high-intent consumers with advertisers across our core verticals: Insurance (auto, home, health) and Education. Our innovative solutions help consumers shop and save, while helping our advertisers achieve above average return on ad spend. Learn more at