6 Ways To Re-Engage Ecommerce Consumers With Web Push Notifications

Ecommerce platforms seeking additional ways to engage and re-engage consumers with personalized messaging should consider utilizing push marketing as a way to stay top of mind during essential micro-moments that inspire purchase decisions. Push marketing is also beneficial for retargeting consumers post-purchase to keep brand awareness high and encourage additional purchases and engagement. 

Here are six ways ecommerce platforms can engage and re-engage shoppers pre- and post-purchase with automated and manual web push marketing campaigns to boost website traffic, engagement and conversions. 

Automated Push Marketing Campaigns Allow Ecommerce Platforms To Target Specific Customers With Relevant Notifications 

Ecommerce platforms can scale their personalized retargeting efforts with push marketing. Automated push marketing campaigns, leveraging triggered notifications, allow ecommerce marketers to retarget specific push notification subscribers with messaging based on their particular actions online, such as abandoning their carts, watching videos or making purchases. Personalization at scale may have once been out of reach, but push marketing makes it easier to retarget consumers with content related to their onsite experience. 

1. Re-Engage Users With Abandoned Carts With Push Marketing Designed To Increase Conversion Rates 

Ecommerce retailers are leaving money on the table when they are not engaging in abandoned cart retargeting. The average cart abandonment rate is around 70%. Like often done with email campaigns, ecommerce marketers can fully automate abandoned cart web push campaigns based on website visitor actions and campaign objectives.

Incentives, such as promo codes, can help ecommerce marketers boost click-through rates (CTRs) for abandoned cart messaging. Incentives should be designed to encourage price-conscious shoppers to click the notification and finish their purchases within a defined period of time, creating value and urgency for the shopper. Adding CTAs that direct consumers back to abandoned carts in one click can reduce friction and help consumers complete their orders more efficiently.

2. Capitalize On Consumer Interest By Re-Engaging Product Page Visitors With Push Notifications

Re-engaging visitors of product pages after they have left a website can help nurture consumers who are in the research stage of their customer journeys. A web push notification can create just the micro-moment needed for consumers to finalize purchases. Web push notifications that highlight important product information or reviews can be effective when re-engaging subscribers who visited specific product pages, encouraging conversions.

3. Use Push Marketing To Re-Engage Consumers Post-Purchase, Boosting Top-Of-Mind Awareness

The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed consumer behaviors. In particular, research from McKinsey found that consumers became far more willing to try different brands, and, globally, 65% of consumers expressed intent to continue mixing up their brand choices. To improve customer retention rates and boost loyalty, many brands are investing more in building out strong customer experiences (CX). Engaging consumers post-purchase with targeted push notifications can help customer retention efforts.   

Post-purchase, ecommerce platforms can share shipping and delivery information with consumers. Additionally, follow-up push notifications thanking consumers for their business or sharing useful product information can help brands form lasting connections with their web push notification subscribers. Lastly, past customers may respond well to deals and incentives, so don’t be shy about promoting sales and other promotions.   

Manual Push Marketing Campaigns Can Re-Engage Subscriber Segments With Tailored Campaigns 

In addition to triggered push campaigns, ecommerce platforms can leverage manual push marketing campaigns to send push notifications to subscriber segments based on behaviors, increasing the relevance of the campaigns. Segmented web push marketing campaigns can help ecommerce brands re-engage tightly defined audiences at the right times with messages tailored to encourage action.

4. Re-Engage Consumers With Relevant Product Alerts Within Push Notifications

Keeping consumers apprised of current inventory can boost sales. For example, back-in-stock campaigns sent to consumers who previously viewed particular products can renew consumer interest and encourage the purchase. Additional web push notifications could highlight other inventory changes, such as low-stock alerts or price reductions. 

A/B testing web push notification elements help push marketers optimize campaign performance. Identifying the best headlines and incentives to pique consumer interest, encourage clicks and drive conversions is essential for maximizing results. 

5. Re-Engage Top-Of-The-Funnel Consumers With Useful, Relevant & Engaging Content Within Push Notifications 

For consumers at the top of the sales funnel, information-based web push notifications may perform better than more overt sales tactics. Information-based content examples include popular blog posts, YouTube content or downloadable guides. Re-engaging consumers with content is especially useful for brands selling relatively complex, expensive or new-to-the-market items. 

Web push notifications sharing content can help advertisers nudge shoppers at the top of the funnel closer to converting by raising awareness about products, features and other relevant information necessary to make purchasing decisions.

6. Encourage & Increase Consumer Engagement With Loyalty Or Rewards Program Reminders Within Push Notifications

Rewards and loyalty referral programs are practical tools for ecommerce brands and may help advertisers increase sales, customer loyalty and satisfaction. Ecommerce platforms can increase loyalty program awareness with targeted web push marketing campaigns that remind subscribers who have visited referral pages to enroll in loyalty programs or encourage them to utilize points on future purchases. 

Push marketing offers a wealth of opportunities for ecommerce marketers, and a thoughtfully planned and deployed combination of manual and triggered push notifications can re-engage shoppers to drive meaningful engagement before and after purchases have been made. Additionally, the personalization and segmentation capabilities of web push marketing make it easy for ecommerce marketers to engage audiences at scale in ways consumers have come to expect.  

Are You Looking For Innovative Ways To Retarget Your Audience?

Digital Media Solutions® (DMS) offers a variety of advertising solutions to help brands achieve their marketing objectives. Engage and retarget your audience while building lasting connections with highly targeted push notifications, in-app messages, and email enhancements with our self-managed and fully-managed push marketing solutions. With optimized messaging campaigns sending to segmented lists of consumers, you can reach the right person at the right time.  

Click here to learn more about Aimtell, our self-managed, push messaging SaaS technology that helps you re-engage website visitors with highly targeted push notifications.

About the author

Digital Media Solutions

Digital Media Solutions, Inc. (DMS) drives better business results by connecting high-intent consumers with advertisers across our core verticals; Insurance (auto, home, health), Education and Consumer/Ecommerce. Our innovative solutions help consumers shop and save, while helping our advertisers achieve above average return on ad spend. Learn more at https://digitalmediasolutions.com.