Mike Semira, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives

With more than 15 years of experience in affiliate marketing, Mike Semira, VP, Strategic Initiatives at Digital Media Solutions, Inc., is adept at leaning into past experiences and accomplishments. His global career in the affiliate industry has helped chart a winning path for DMS partners. Known across the affiliate industry as an innovator and trailblazer, Mike has significant relationships with publishers around the world. As a leader on the DMS Performance Ad Market team, Mike works with key distribution partners across all channels to leverage DMS O&O products and direct advertiser campaigns, maximizing ROI. 

A skilled and experienced affiliate expert, Mike can identify partner needs and align them with the growing portfolio of resources at DMS, scaling success across partnerships. Mike started at DMS in 2019, previously working for other global performance marketing companies. Throughout his career, he has honed his skills identifying and growing strategic partnerships and optimizing data, technology and collaboration to build sustainable revenue streams. 

DMS was recognized, three years in a row, as the standout leader for its top-tier brand-direct advertising solutions — ranked #1 by mThink in 2021 and 2022. DMS was also recognized for mThink’s Best CPA Network list, mThink’s Best Pay-Per-Call Networks list and mThink’s Top CPA Networks for Advertisers & Merchants list, and in 2022 and 2023 for mThink’s Top CPA Networks for Affiliates & Publishers.

About the author

Digital Media Solutions

Digital Media Solutions, Inc. (DMS) drives better business results by connecting high-intent consumers with advertisers across our core verticals; Insurance (auto, home, health), Education and Consumer/Ecommerce. Our innovative solutions help consumers shop and save, while helping our advertisers achieve above average return on ad spend. Learn more at https://digitalmediasolutions.com.