DMS Success Story: Achieving Email Subscriber Goals By Partnering With Proven Publishers

Challenge: A Leading Pizza Chain Needed To Engage New Consumers For An Email Campaign

A leading national pizza delivery chain wanted to grow their email subscriber list to engage with new consumers by sending coupons to increase brand engagement, sales and loyalty while expanding its national audience.

Digital Media Solutions®  (DMS) was tasked with generating net-new email subscribers for the client at significant scale. DMS needed to meet the client’s significant volume and aggressive CPA goals, following changing monthly geotargets and demographics, based on the client’s evolving needs.

DMS Solution: A Campaign Comprised Of Owned-And-Operated Sites Plus Publisher Partners

DMS tested both owned-and-operated sites and proven publisher partners to generate email subscriptions from opted-in hand raisers expecting to hear from the pizza chain. All leads faced real-time validation to help ensure accuracy and deliverability. The DMS subscriber acquisition experts tested creatives to determine headlines and images that worked best as the target demographic evolved month to month. DMS also optimized placements to determine what worked best for different audience profiles within the client’s target demographic.

Results: Successful Launch With Ongoing Scaled Volume

Pleased with the DMS subscriber performance and the DMS ability to regularly adjust for changing geographic and demographic targeting needs, the client increased budgets, enabling DMS to scale subscriber volume by 25% year over year.

Do You Need A Continual Feed Of Subscribers For Your Email Marketing?

DMS is a technology-enabled, data-driven performance advertising solutions provider connecting consumers and advertisers for a variety of reasons, including enewsletter subscription and CRM builder campaigns. Our subscriber acquisition campaigns generate net-new, opted-in hand raisers ready to hear from you.

Contact DMS today to learn how our first-party data asset, proprietary technology and expansive digital media reach can help you scale your customer acquisition results.

About the author

Digital Media Solutions

Digital Media Solutions, Inc. (DMS) drives better business results by connecting high-intent consumers with advertisers across our core verticals; Insurance (auto, home, health), Education and Consumer/Ecommerce. Our innovative solutions help consumers shop and save, while helping our advertisers achieve above average return on ad spend. Learn more at