DMS Success Story: Optimizing Media Mix To Generate More High-Quality Inquiries

Challenge: A Rideshare Company Needed To Scale High-Quality Prospective Lead Volume

A large on-demand transportation company providing ride-hailing services in metropolitan areas throughout the U.S. was looking to scale applications from qualified drivers in specific zip codes. Prospective drivers must pass background checks in order to be considered “qualified.”

Digital Media Solutions (DMS) was tasked with generating a significant volume of qualified prospective drivers within the client’s geo-targeted areas, while meeting the client’s aggressive cost-per-acquisition (CPA) goals.

DMS Solution: Test & Optimize A Diverse Media Mix To Generate More High-Quality Prospects At The Right Price 

To generate a reliable flow of high-quality prospects, DMS implemented a diverse media mix, including pre-qualified, geo-targeted calls and ads that linked to the client’s promotional information from DMS owned-and-operated websites and third-party partner sites.

After several months of running the campaign, the DMS team examined data sources and removed the third-party websites and call centers that were underperforming. The client’s offer was added to additional DMS owned-and-operated websites to make up for the lost volume. DMS also updated qualifying questions to hone in on the potential drivers most likely to pass background checks.

Results: The Client’s High-Quality Lead Volume And CPA Goals Were Met

Within one month of making the optimizations, the DMS campaign was meeting both the client’s volume and CPA goals. The success of the optimizations prompted the client to allocate additional budget to the DMS campaign to continue to scale inquiries from qualified prospective drivers. 

Do You Want To Generate More High-Quality Inquiries?

At DMS, we leverage our toolset, consisting of our first-party data asset, proprietary technology and expansive media reach, to create the right balance of targeted yet scalable opportunities. Contact us today to learn more.

About the author

Digital Media Solutions

Digital Media Solutions, Inc. (DMS) drives better business results by connecting high-intent consumers with advertisers across our core verticals; Insurance (auto, home, health), Education and Consumer/Ecommerce. Our innovative solutions help consumers shop and save, while helping our advertisers achieve above average return on ad spend. Learn more at