DMS Success Story: Scaling Newsletter Subscribers For Moms-To-Be Newsletter

A Baby Products Company Needed Help Scaling Newsletter Subscriptions 

A top baby products company that engages customers with a newsletter containing educational content, savings offers and product updates was looking to scale its subscriber base. Because the target audience is restricted to moms of newborns, infants and toddlers, the subscribers age out daily.

The Challenge: Find New, Highly Engaged Newsletter Subscribers To Grow And Update Outdated Newsletter Subscription Lists

The baby brand enlisted Digital Media Solutions® to generate a steady stream of highly engaged prenatal, first-time mothers, ages 21-40, within a defined geographic area and with data that included birth dates, to replace outdated users on the subscription list.

DMS Solution: Identify Consumers On DMS-Owned & Partner Websites That Match Target Profile & Promote Newsletter

DMS owns and operates a long list of websites that attract prenatal mothers. Utilizing these sites, along with partner sites, the highly-targeted prenatal, first-time mom audience was engaged with branded content encouraging subscriptions to the mom-focused newsletter. 

During opt-in, a long list of data points was obtained, including name, email, zip code, gender, date of birth, baby gender, baby date of birth, first-time mom status and frequency of use for a variety of products.

Robust email and postal hygiene systems ensured deliverability to the email addresses of new subscribers. And the newsletter client was only billed for net-new subscribers.

The Result: Newsletter Subscriber List Kept Fresh, Resulting In High Engagement Rates

DMS helped maintain the engagement rates of the baby brand newsletter by continuously generating new subscribers interested in receiving educational content, product information and savings opportunities. The subscribers DMS provided matched or exceeded the campaign benchmarks. And the cost per subscriber was, based on client feedback, lower than what was achieved by other vendors.

Do You Need A Continual Feed Of Subscribers For Your Email Marketing Or Newsletter?

Digital Media Solutions can help you build your email database with opted-in subscribers ready and wanting to hear from you. Want to go broader? Tap into our preferred publisher network to send your branded creative to audiences that match your target profile. Contact DMS to learn more about our performance-based advertising solutions.

About the author

Digital Media Solutions

Digital Media Solutions, Inc. (DMS) drives better business results by connecting high-intent consumers with advertisers across our core verticals; Insurance (auto, home, health), Education and Consumer/Ecommerce. Our innovative solutions help consumers shop and save, while helping our advertisers achieve above average return on ad spend. Learn more at